Autofill Forms
The autofill form feature uses the information already available in a shopper’s user profile to autofill form field variables in a customizable product. In other words, a shopper logs in to a storefront, opens a document for editing and her personal details (name, phone number, etc.) are already filled in. In addition, if the shopper changes the value for this variable in a document, the new value is remembered for all subsequent documents using this variable.
Set up autofill form fields 
1 Create a document with form field variables as explained in “Insert variables (fields) in a forms document”.
2 For the name of the variables in Variable Settings dialog, you must follow a convention to retrieve the values which are available in the user profile.
The following values can be retrieved:
User profile variable name
Value returned (autofill)
company name
first name
last name
e-mail address
phone number
fax number
street line 1
street line 2
zip code line
zip code line 2
sub country line
MIS ID code that identifies the user
MIS ID code that identifies the company
Create as many variables as required using these user profile variables. Ideally, you will enter a different name for the Display Name of your variable.
3 Save the document, add it to a store and test that the results are as expected by editing the document in the online editor on a storefront.
The retrieved values are filled in automatically in the document and in the form fields. If necessary, the autofill values can also be edited for this document. The edited values are remembered for subsequent documents created by the user.
NOTE: The fields are filled with values retrieved from the profile of the user who has log in to a storefront. This means you can only test the document by logging in to a storefront.
NOTE: A user can have more than one address in the address book. The address related user profile variables will be retrieved from the first address in the address book that matches the first and last name of the user who is currently logged in. If no matching address is found, then the variables will not retrieve a default value from the address book.
NOTE: The user profile variable names all start with prefix "ASF_" (which is short for ApogeeStoreFront). When you create other variables in the Online Editor we advice not to use this "ASF_" prefix in order not to clash with potential new variables that might be added to future versions and also in order to have a clear distinction for yourself between custom variables names and variables names created by the system.
doc. version 6.0.4