Order Status
Order or order item to be approved (approval tab)
Order has been approved and continued to production (approval tab)
Order item has been rejected
Order item has been approved
Awaiting inventory for Printed Stock or Non-Printed products ordered in backorder
Created: incoming but not yet prepared by the system for downloading (Pending tab)
Prepared: incoming and all data has been prepared by the system for downloading
In production: the item has been downloaded and is being processed (prepress, printing, finishing)
To be shipped, i.e. available (stock and non-print products are assigned this status immediately); Product Kit order items with Prepared status
Shipped: the order has been shipped to the shopper
Order or order item returned
Completed: the order has been shipped and requires no further action
Canceled: the order or order item has been canceled by an administrator and requires no further action
The order item has a comment made by the shopper
The order item has workflow feedback information; click the icon to open the workflow feedback
The order or order item has encountered a problem that prevents the order from being fulfilled. The issue will be fixed by the StoreFront team. Contact your ECO3 Service support or dealer if the issue is not resolved automatically.
An order cannot be downloaded to the workflow system or uploaded to the specified FTP server.
doc. version 6.0.4