StoreCenter Help : Introduction to StoreFront : Online Editor for Customizable Products
Online Editor for Customizable Products
A Customizable Product is a publication that a shopper can edit to personalize the content before ordering. Typical examples are business cards, letterheads, newsletters, posters, etc. A Variable Data Product (VDP) is a special kind of customizable product that allows a shopper to upload variable data such as names, addresses, images, etc. and merge these data with a product to create multiple publications.
The print service provider’s designer creates the base layout in Adobe InDesign and converts them into a StoreFront Package using the StoreFront Converter plug-in. The StoreFront Package is uploaded and administrators can use the Online Editor integrated in StoreFront to fine-tune the base layouts and set restrictions on the extent to which the shopper can modify the documents. A similar version of the Online Editor is available on the storefront so shoppers can add or edit their personal content.
Converter Plug-in
A plug-in is available for Adobe InDesign to convert documents prepared in Adobe InDesign to a package that can be used in the StoreFront Online Editor. This package has a .zxp extension.
doc. version 6.0.4