Shipping Regions
You can specify two types of shipping regions for the ‘Ship to User Address’ shipping services:
Country-based region: The ‘Ship to User Address’ can be anywhere in the specified country/countries or states.
Zip code-based region: The zip/postal code of the ‘Ship to User Address’ must be included in the list of codes specified for this region.
A message informs shoppers to use a different shipping service if they enter an address which is located outside the region.
Create Shipping Regions 
1 On the menu bar, choose Advanced > Shipping.
2 In the Shipping Regions tab, click the Add button and choose a region type.
3 Complete the Name field (e.g. Europe, Benelux, Asia).
4 For a Country-Based Region, select the check boxes or double-click the countries you want to group in a region to add them to the list on the right.
For some countries you can select states or provinces. These countries can be expanded by clicking the black arrow.
5 For a Zip Code-Based Region, select a country from the drop-down list and then enter the zip (postal) codes that you want to assign to this region. You can define ranges and multiple values or both.
Follow the displayed instructions for designating the codes for the country in question.
6 Click Save to confirm your changes and validate the codes you entered.
Check the codes and syntax if the codes do not validate correctly.
The new Shipping Region is displayed in the list and will also be displayed in the Shipping Region drop-down list when creating a Ship to User Address shipping service.
Zip-code based regions are indicated with a special icon in the list of shipping regions.
doc. version 6.0.4