As a StoreCenter user you will have one of the following roles:
Printer Administrator: You create the Companies for which stores are set up. You have full access to the StoreCenter features and manage the Users, Companies and Products for all the stores.
NOTE: This role is not unique. The first printer administrator to access StoreCenter must accept the terms and conditions for using StoreFront.
Company Administrator: You have access to the StoreCenter features required to manage the Users and Products for the stores of your Company. A Company Administrator may also be granted permission to manage orders and manage stocks.
Printer Operator: You can manage all Users and you follow up orders generated by the stores.
Approvers: An approval workflow can be set up using approval groups. See “Approval Groups” for more information.
Company Operator: You can manage the Users of your Company and follow up the stocks for your Company.
doc. version 6.0.4